

As an institution that has been operating in the field of sales and distribution for many years, Gürpa Co. aims to carry its experience and awareness observed in the fields in which it already operates to the IT sector. In particular, the content of the sales and distribution area, which requires considerable attention and care, has determined the needs for automation programs in terms of the systemic progress of the work done. Delivery of various products to different locations complete, undamaged and in a promised time are the basic principles of sales and distribution. Keeping the products and orders not confused with each other, having very good stock control, and preventing them from being damaged by providing the necessary conditions (cold chain etc.) during the transportation require the process to proceed within a system. A small mistake during distribution can lead to huge financial consequences or even loss of customers. Having established its own R&D team as a company in the light of all these principles and needs, Gürpa Co. produces software contents with an innovative understanding in the fields of sales and distribution.

Our work in informatics, the foundations of which were laid in 1998, are managed from a single centre with the software developed by our R&D team as of 2010. The software developed by Gürpa Co. as a result of R&D studies carries out all distribution activities end-to-end and non-stop, including, sales and distribution management, inventory management, pre-accounting and current risk management applications. Thanks to the features of the software created, a rapid integration is provided in all the distributorship activities of the company, including the adaptation processes in the newly started companies.

Gürpa Co. also provides innovative solutions developed based on the experiences in the field of informatics and ensures the continuity of its success to similar sectors aiming at efficiency and high performance.

You can contact us to get more information and offers about our services.